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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 14



In counties the maximum amount allowable for any number of electors not exceeding 2,000 is £650, with £60 additional for every successive 1,000 electors, thus—
England and Scotland. Ireland.
Number of Electors. For One Candidate. For One Candidate.
Not exceeding £ £
2,000 650 500
3,000 710 540
4,000 770 580
5,000 830 620
6,000 890 660
7,000 950 700
8,000 1,010 740
9,000 1,070 780
10,000 1,130 820
11,000 1,190 860
12,000 1,250 900
13,000 1,310 940
14,000 1,370 980
15,000 1,430 1,020
16,000 1,490 ...

The returning officers' expenses, which are limited by Act of Parliament, are not included in the above maximum, but the candidate is only at liberty to pay him the exact sum allowed by the Act, under pain of conviction for an illegal practice.

The personal expenses of a candidate are also outside the prescribed maximum, and they are not limited to any precise amount, though any excess over £100 in this particular must be paid through the election agent.

It will be seen that the adoption of this scale of expenditure may operate unequally in those counties or boroughs which return two members, and where one candidate stands alone against a combination. In a large borough, with say 35,000 voters, two candidates would be enabled, if they coalesced, to spend nearly £700 more than one candidate standing alone, while the staff necessary to conduct the election would be practically the same on both sides.