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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1953

Audrey Wellwood

Audrey Wellwood

Audrey is a third-year student who hopes to complete a B.A. degree tills year. She has taken an active interest in various Vanity activities, including the tennis. French and hockey clubs, She has been secretary of the latter for the last two years, and in this year captain of the senior team. She has represented Victoria in hockey at the 1951 and '52 Winter Tournaments, and in tennis in the 1952 and '53 Summer Tournaments and has had a "Varsity hockey Blue since 1951. As an inmate of a hostel she is particularly interested in improving and extending hostel facilities.

Nominator: Elaine Foote.

Seconders: T. W. Turner and P. D. Chatwin.