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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. V.U.C. Students' Association Annual Elections, 1951

Pam Cooper

Pam Cooper

Pam cooper has been in close touch with V.U.C. affairs for three years—the first two as the Association's office secretary, and this year as an Arts student. Her active interest has also been seen in the Drama. Debating, and Tramping Clubs, at the Congress 1950, and in Extravs, to mention only a few. To be short (and to use her owns words) Pam in interested in everything.

To be serious, though, Pams interest in Vic affairs in a genuine one Of her qualities I can mention here reliability, integrity openmindedness, and an ability to see what in really going on.

Her concern for the interests of all students will mean, for instance, that she will advocate increases of bursaries and oppose rising costs, consistently including opposition to any increase of Student Association fees.

It is this experience, knowledge, and ability that count. Because she has these qualities Pam in worthy of your support.

Nominator: Erie Robinson.