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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Executive Election Special Issue. Tuesday 13th April [1948]

Jim Battersby

Jim Battersby

Vice-President of the interim Exec, and member of 1947-48 Exec, Jim is an Old Boy of Wellington College, fourth year at VUC, completing B.A. this year. Last Winter Tournament, as VUC Junior Delegate, Jim was secretary to both the local and NZU Tournament Committees. As chairman of ISS he has tried to stimulate interest in Student relief, and plans further campaigns for 1948. Treasurer of SCM 1945-46-47, Jim is now President, and, incidentally, Acting General Secretary of NZSCM. He was a member in 1946-47 of the Rugby First XV, the Athletic Club, and the Debating Society. At Easter Jim led the VUC delegation to NZUSA Council.

Statement of Policy: "It seems to me impractical to state any policy towards specific projects, as after a term on the Exec;, I realize how many unforeseen complications arise. If I am elected to office, I propose to act as I have in the past, assessing each question by considering what line of action is in the best interests of the student body as a whole. I consider freedom in the University renders obligation to participate in student activities to work for and co-operate with the body corporate, I am opposed to any outside influence or interference in student affairs by anybody whatsever whether left wing, right wing church or college authorities, and I acknowledge no higher authority in any of my activities, than Him who is my guide, and whom I try consistently to serve, my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ."