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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 16. July 20 1981

Stretched too Far

Stretched too Far

I also felt that Mnouchkine was trying to load too much theory onto a vehicle not equipped to carry it. A very slight knowledge of French history and literature explains the parallels and connections she tries to make between the new (Moliere's) and old theatrical styles, and wider political or social movements and attitudes: but this endeavour, not integrated with more purely cinematic factors to produce any memorable images (and after all, a film depends on its on screen images, not the theories behind them) makes for some awkward scenes where arty dialogue is grafted onto undistinguished action, and Mnouchkine's visual style doesn't allow for the long unbroken sequences which might sustain such dialogue.

Photo from the film Moliere

All in all an interesting film, and worth $3 if you feel like it should it come round again, but no classic.
