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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 16. July 20 1981

Films Underexposed

Films Underexposed

Dear Ed,

Vic has an excellent film programme, but buggered if its worth going out of your way to see anything. I've gone to see six films this year, and on three of those occasions I wasn't able to see the advertised film. I'm just grateful I haven't wasted my time more often.

On one occasion the wrong film was being shown. Why? Because two films had arrived oul of sequence, and rather than keeping the first one over to the correct screening time, thus inconveniencing only one prospective audience, it was decided to show each on the wrong day and piss off two prospective audiences. Brilliant!

On another occasion, the film I'd gone to see had been transferred to a later time without warning in Salient.

Finally, Macbeth simply wasn't available.

Funny, but for each of those films I just happened to make a great big, sweaty effort to get there, only to have to walk home again.

I, and no doubt many like me, are fucking pissed off! Perhaps the circumstances are beyond the Film Controller's (where did they get that name from) control, but whether s/he likes it or not, it is her/his responsibility. So why hasn't the ill-mannered person ever apologised for these (and possibly several other for all I know) cock ups?

Have a nice day,

Sandy Pointon

PS Hate to moan again, but the VUW Film Society has been no more successful in the above respect than the Film Controller. And it's a lot colder walking home at 8.00pm when you're annoyed than it is at 2.15pm!