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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 44 No. 3. March 16 1981

Feel for the Land

Feel for the Land

Away from the political... there is something about Shadbolt's writing that has the distinctly New Zealand flavour - the feel of words that come from the pens of those who spend time on our land. Those who know what I'm talking about will understand when I say that the New Zealand soil has made its way into Shadbolt's bones. Actually, shades of James K. Baxter prevail at times, both in form and style, and I suspect (from comments in the book) that Baxter may have been quite a big influence. But... is it good poetry? Maybe a little unsophisticated at times, but it is honest and open, which to my mind is what good poetry is all about. Those who retain some sense of conscience about the mistakes of the 20th century and "social problems" in New Zealand will have a strong reaction to this collection. Those who don't give a stuff probably wouldn't read it anyway. And those in between will probably find themselves made a little more aware and hopefully inspired to do something about it.

Rosemary Ryan