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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 23. September 17 1979

e Remuneration Act Comes Into Ast

[unclear: e] Remuneration Act Comes Into [unclear: Ast]

[unclear: Last] Tuesday night, the Government [unclear: ounced] it would use its new powers [unclear: ler] the Remuneration Act to cut the [unclear: eral] Drivers' Award settlement. The [unclear: ve] followed a threat by the Prime Minis[unclear: that] the proposed settlement was "ex[unclear: sive"], and it came in the midst of a series [unclear: stopwork] meetings being organised by [unclear: des] Councils to discuss the position of [unclear: FoL] on the new Act.

[unclear: As] we go to press the likely consequences [unclear: the] Government's moves are not clear, [unclear: two] questions stand out in the contin[unclear: g] debate: in whose interests is the [unclear: Government] acting; and what is the role of the [unclear: leadership] going to be?