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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 23. September 17 1979

Hiopian Occupation

[unclear: Hiopian] Occupation

[unclear: For] centuries Eritrean women have been [unclear: ckled] under the yoke of double [unclear: oppress-] Today, in many cases the situation is [unclear: ting] worse. Ethiopian aggressor troops [unclear: e] inflicted terrible atrocities against [unclear: trean] women. Thousands of peasant [unclear: men] have been massacred in cold blood, [unclear: gnant] women have had their wombs slit [unclear: en] and in the cities young women and [unclear: s], some 14-15 years old have become vic[unclear: s] of mass rape by the occupying forces.

[unclear: Such] atrocities have forced thousands of [unclear: treans] to flee to neighbouring countries [unclear: ere] they live in miserable conditions in [unclear: ugee] camps.