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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 19. August 6 1979

This God is Dead

page 19

This God is Dead

This article was taken from the annual [unclear: essage] of the gods, Victoria University, [unclear: ars]Hill, Wellington, 1979,

Drawing of a monk meditating

It has been a matter of concern, that [unclear: me] of our daily pilgrims have erred from [unclear: e] faith, and are lax in their worship. For [unclear: e] the Professors, the Doctors, the Lectors, are great, and worthy of your [unclear: wor-ip]. We are enthroned in majesty and [unclear: po-er], clothed with the mantle of long past [unclear: eds] of greatness; therefore, as you make [unclear: ur] holy pilgrimage each day, in search of [unclear: e] holy grade, you must acknowledge this, [unclear: at] we, the gods, may give grace to your [unclear: arch]. For surely you have heard "The [unclear: ds] resist the proud but give grace to the [unclear: mble]."1

Indeed, there are those who are proud, [unclear: ho] have not given us the honour that is [unclear: rs], but instead have sought to be their [unclear: wn] gods. Again, have you not heard four ways are not my ways, say the gods' 2 and "The wisdom of students is [unclear: foo- hness] in the sight of the gods" 3. You [unclear: ust] repent and turn from your way [unclear: wardess], or surely the wrath of the gods will fall upon you, your essay marks will be cast down, and we will not hear your supplications.

Once there was a man who was not concerned with the glory of the gods, and their past deeds of greatness. He did not make humble entrance to the sanctuary - the office of the professor - he did not proclaim his greatness. Rather, he dared to enter in as an equal to the gods, and did not wait for grace to be given him. He did not bow, he did not ask for his god's autograph, neither did he take his photo; he argued with pride and stubborn vanity, seeking to undermine the holy word of the Professor with the very root of all evil-reason itself. He showed no respect for the authority of the professor, he did not see the glory of the god's handsome face. But he was struck down for his wickedness, his essays were cast into the Rubbish Tins of hell, his marks were given with fiery Darts, and his search for the holy grade was lost,4.

More than this, the god told the other gods of this evil, and in their heavenly court the divine decree ordained that henceforth this man should have no recommendation for journal articles, and no scholarship for his travels. 5 And the gods hardened their hearts against him, and did not listen to his prayers.

Insidious reports have circulated among some of the inscription to the unknown God, rumoured to lie somewhere in the Hunter Building. Lies have arisen, saying that this God is the One true God of reason, love of knowledge, and thoughtful critique. Many are deceived, and some have come from afar off seeking this God, ignoring their own gods, the professors, the doctors, the lectures, and not giving them the glory. Know ye that This god is Dead! He is not at this university temple, for he is a false god who cannot help you in your search for the holy grade.

Happily, most of the flock are faithful. The good among our students eagerly pursue the holy grade in all humility. They bow before us and kneel in adoration. They hungrily receive our words with eyes reverently closed. They have learnt not to trust their own foolish wisdom, they do not think for themselves. They know how to enter into the sanctuary — they sweetly fawn, proclaiming our greatness, singing hymns of praise for our favours. They surely will receive their reward, and we, the gods will cause them to reap a harvest of rich blessing as long as they continue in humility and unquestioning obedience, which is true faith. For the kingdom of the scholastic heaven will be theirs and they will be exalted for their faithfulness with jobs in government departments.

Now unto us, the gods who will keep your marks from falling, be glory and majesty, dominion and power forever, Amen.

The Spider and The Prophet.

1 The Wisdom of the Professors 111:2

2 ibid IV: 7

3 ibid XII 1

4 1 Chronicles LX : 194

5 Divine Commission of Inquiry Into Student Rebellion 1978 Chapter 7, Page 114.