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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 14. July 2 1979

Student Health — Herpes

Student Health


Herpes simplex is the name of the virus which causes cold sores, most commonly affecting the lips. The vims is usually contracted through kissing an infected person and is often picked up in childhood.

Once the virus enters the body it can never be eradicated. The infection may remain quiescent for long periods and attacks may become longer apart and less severe but the likelihood of an out-break remains throughout life. Different events trigger attacks in different people but in general they occur when resistance to infection is lowered. This may be due to another infection or other stress or over-fatigue, Women notice that attacks occur more commonly in the premenstual period. In its quiescent phase the virus resides in your friendly neighbourhood nerve ganglion.

There are two types of Herpes virus unimaginatively named Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is the common variety causing cold sores on the lips. Type 2 has rocketed into prominence over the [unclear: las] few years because it is more commonly associated with genital herpes. Lesions appear on the penis in males and in females they may be external on the labia or internal on the cervix. There is however some overlap and either type can affect either region.

When an attack of Herpes is imminent there will usually be local irritation. Later a blister appears and the fluid in this bubble is literally teeming with virus particles. The blister becomes an open sore and at this stage it can be very painful. It is important to prevent secondary infection at this stage. If not infected it will heal in about a week.

No effective treatment is available. Antiobiotics tics are useless unless the sore becomes infected. At the initial stage of irritation it is sometimes helpful to apply surgical spirit. Better stil is Idoxuridine (brand names are "Stoxil", "Herplex D"). This has some anti-viral activity and it is the best that medical science can offer at present. The ointment or lotion must be applied very early and very often, at hourly intervals during the first day in an effort to abort an attack. Once the lesion has reached the blister stage it is ineffective. It is also recommended that you increase the amount of Vitamin C at the time of infection. Try 1G 3-hourly.

If it is "just a cold-sore" why the fuss? Well in the first place it can be very painful and there are also general symptoms which make the person feel miserable. In the second place, if lesions occure on the cervix in women they are under suspicion as cancer inducing agents. Thirdly, they are a hazard to any baby being born through an infected vaginal tract, a hazard which has sometimes proved fatal. And fourthly, inadvertent transmission of the virus to the eye can lead to a painful and potentially scarring ulcer of the come a, if not recognised and treated.

Prevention is the obvious answer. It makes excellent sense never to kiss or have sex with anyone with any sore on the lips or genitals.