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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 13. June 11 1979

What can you Loos?

What can you Loos?


Gabrielle the Trumpeter was complaining about the lack of female loos around the Music Department: may we offer the following suggestions?

1)use the bushes in front of Hunter
2)don't eat those disgusting health foods whats the point of living longer if you're only going to fart around?
3)eat equal quantities of Portland cement and sawdust, washed down by a glass of water
4)make the most of your predicament - try playing your trumpet from behind
5)if all else fails, don't play the trumpet As a final resort, you could try eating the cafe food. Be warned this is dangerous - you could either get the runs or terminal constipation.


Love and kisses.

Angel Mine,

St. Trew.