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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 12. June 5 1979

Comments by Professor Mead

Comments by Professor Mead

Its a bit early to tell what the effects will be, but i don't like it! We may have to take it anyway, because a whole lot of depts have to share the burden. We are perfectly willing to play our part, up to a point. However, our position is more vulnerable than most. We are in a very tricky, delicate position because at this time there is an increasing backlash against the Maori people. People need to be aware of this, through the language and culture.

Another matter of great concern is that it the moment Maori is a threatened, and dying language. It doesn't make any sense in the case of Maori Studies to be making a cut like this, when we should be doing all we can to maintain and develop them.

This year we are just putting together a more concentrated teaching effort in Maori Studies. The combination between class and language lab teaching is just getting off the ground. We may not be able to get hold of good talented teachers—it's as if we were being asked to go back to the old pioneer spirit, where you take what you can get. We should be past that, going for quality.

Right now we offer a very valuable service, and I regret the fact that I don't see more widespread evidence of people using it - but the information and opportunities are here for those who want to be enlightened. Why are there so few at a time when so many need to be informed? At such a critical time in Maori - Pakeha relations.

I applaud any student reaction to the cuts. I think it right that students should show their concern and protest in their own way. I speak for all my staff in this. This is one occasion when staff and students are in agreement, and will find it easier to work together. Of course, I can only speak for my own department.

We can ill afford to lose Lee. He is a good, imaginative teacher - one of the best we've got - and he will be hard to replace. But for Lee, in the long run, this further education will be well worth it.