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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 11. May 28 1979

Norman's Lost Rafts

Norman's Lost Rafts

Dear Sir,

Oh? What is it? I call it a Parking Meter

I sincerely hope that Paul Norman does not expect to be elected to any position where the ability to organise successfully is essential. His performance at the raft race on the last Friday of term plumbed the depths of ineptitude.

Some (including no doubt Mr Norman) may regard the facility to bring down three rafts to the raft race forty minutes late as some kind of talent. For myself, however, such conduct borders on the incompetent and irresponsible, not to mention untrustworthy.

Surely an apology from Paul should be forthcoming to all those who had put in a lot of time to prepare their rafts and who were greatly disappointed when they did not appear until the race was over.

Yours faithfully,

Elizabeth E. Thompson.