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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 6. April 2 1979

Income & Spending

Income & Spending

As part of the government's Review of Financial Assistance for Post-compulsory Study (the Bursaries Review), one of the working parties commissioned a survey of universtiy and technical institute students on the STB. The survey, answered by 3800 of the 5000-plus students who received it last November, looked at the incomes and basic term-times spending, for example, on board, fees, textbooks, course-related expenses and transport, of students receiving the STB. The survey was under some restrictions and did not look at other costs, such as out-of-term expenses, clothing, entertainment and recreation, so a full picture of expenditure patterns can't be gained. Some of the preliminary results show:
  • the average "in the hand" vacation income was $681, but for universtiy students it was $769, and technical institute students only $347.
  • Males' average total income was $2136 - females' was $1742
  • 55% took part-time jobs and earned on average $295
  • 32% took out loans
  • $195 was the average transport costs
  • $111 was the average spent on textbooks.