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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 5. March 26 1979

Cryptic Crossword

Cryptic Crossword

Empty crossword


1. Diminutive Catherine's cat-call (5)
4. Ram, sire, joint conjugally (7)
8. Food fit for rabbit cult etc (7)
9. Mr Muldoon was pictured as a small man containing jelly (5)
10. Nail use: why it can be organised in an uncomfortable fashion (8)
11. Animal found amongst the dandelions (4)
13. Hitherto unknown victory in the middle of Christmas shout (5)
15. Cop it in the eye (5)
17. Charity sounds like limbs (4)
18. Drink which could be just your pout face, perhaps? (3, 2, 3)
21. Reformed alkie is similar (5)
22. Type of arrest which is a heart-stopper (7)
23. A fundamental part which if one it in one's one feels in one's proper environment (7)
24. Westward. Piss wildly. Small handfuls (5)


1. Nearby street is red unparkable confusion (7,6)
2. Muhammed Ali's got one, so has Keith Holy-oake and The Duke of Edinburgh Is one) (5)
3. How you might do it if you're a hand Emphatically you (8)
4. How one might surrender to put it [unclear: main]
5. Dare wildly or peruse quietly (4)
6. Prim nit makes mark (7)
7. Assistant who's in the ring then not [unclear: is] ring takes a risk. Opportunities to [unclear: have] her try (6, 7)
12. 'At last he rose and twitched his [unclear: ml] ...............to fresh woods and pastures [unclear: is] (Milton) (8)
14. Batty blood-sucker (7)
16. Elsie in duet is sweet and soothing [unclear: e]
19. What a clipper does - moves cargo [unclear: fl] lance in sailing (5)
20. Simple Maori club (4)

Last Week's Solutions

Across: 1. Rankine, 5. Brown, 8.[unclear: Go] 9. Travels, 10. Embraces, 11. Star, 13. [unclear: A] 14. Bottom, 17. Gram, 19. Conjurer, 22. 23. Noise, 24. Cache, 25. In style

Down: 1. Rogoe, 2. Not a bit, 3. [unclear: Impl] 4. Entree, 5. Boar, 6. Overt, 7. Nosturm, Jones, 13. Angelic, 15. Terrify, 16. To [unclear: Ba] At Vic, 20. Reeve, 21. Ante.