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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 22. September 4 1978

John Hebenton

John Hebenton

Photo of John Hebenton

Again! mad fool I screamed. Have you the time? No! But who has? The whole concept of the executive, its work for love, and work loads needs reviewing. The Secretary, if active and involved cannot be a full time student. Nor, if he is to do any studies at all, can he have any sort of job. The result is an active secretary for two terms, and a co-opted member for the last term, as happened the last two years,' or one, as myself who is less involved, less active and severely criticized as a result It's time people realized the responsibility and the time involved, realized that no more can this position (as with the President and Treasurer) be one of love, but one which can be termed as a "part-time job". Over the past year or so we've seen drastic rises in some honorariums, and a total disregard for all the other positions. Until something is done, this position is going to be a thorn in the side of the association. Accordingly, no promises of brilliance, just an assurance that when time permits I will continue, as this year, to perform the duties required of me, and as in this year, work in other areas.