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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 19. July 31 1978

The Architect has his say

The Architect has his say

Architect Grahame Anderson was next up to speak. His experience is in private practice, as a member of the Regional Committee of the Historic Places Trust, and in research of the historic value of a number of Wellington buildings.

The proposal, he said, described a means whereby the existing accomodation on the site could be doubled, while scale was kept proportional to the other buildings in the area. Reversing the focus and vehicular circulation resulted from both the planning requirements of the university and the consultants' own inclinations. He pointed out that while overall reaction to the project would be largely guided by personal preferences, the central question of accommodation, standards and cost had been answered.

Accommodation was as follows:
  • Law in the lower four floors of Old Hunter and the Lecture Tower.
  • Music in a new top floor in Old Hunter and adjacent floors of New Hunter.
  • Administration in New Hunter and Robert Stout (the former including the Vice-Chancellors suite, the staff club rooms, and conference facilities)
  • University Extension in New Hunter.

In the overall design, Anderson claimed, "the distant views of the University which for many citizens are its most noticable impact" had been adequately catered for.