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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 15. July 3 1978

Who's an Honest Student?

Who's an Honest Student?

Dear Phallus Face,

I would just like to ask you a few questions, to which I would very much appreciate some straight answers. Why are you and your left wing cronies so terrified of Andy Tees and his mob of middle of the road student politicians? You have the ability to defame them in your wonderful newspaper, an opportunity seldom goes by, when you don't actively criticise and slander them at your pleasure. If it wasn't for Andy Tees, and co, student politics at this varsity would be a very one-sided affair.

Despite your pathetic attempts at trying to down grade them as often as possible, I am one student who appreciates the effort these blokes make especially at SRCs where they have the guts to get up and express an alternative opinion. I abhor you and your staff's attempts to make these honest, conscientious students look foolish, simply because you don't agree with them.

I respect the freedom of the press, and I respect your opinions, however, you seem to think that you have the right to censor their opinions especially when they come into conflict with your own. I urge you firstly to apologize to the people concerned and to either resign or wake up to yourself, and give both sides of the argument. We students are getting sick and tired of picking up Salient and having to read socialist propaganda, and Marxist perspectives on every issue under the sun.

After three years in this wonderful institution I have had enough, I urge all students to come along to the SRCs and support these wonderful guys in their constant battle against the leftwing extremism that proports to "represent" the students.

Yours respectfully,

Average Student.

(You claim Tees and his mob are middle of the road student politicians, that they are honest, conscientious and wonderful. The reason Salient critically attacks them is that we do not agree with you. Tees' destructive attacks on NZUSA, his almost total lack of work relating to his elected position of Welfare Officer and within VUWSA generally - where there is much work to be done - are not the marks of anyone properly fitting the description you give. You may find a fuller answer in the assessment we give all exec members and SRC officers elsewhere in this issue -Ed.)