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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 14. June 12 1978

(1) Throw out the South African Consulate!

(1) Throw out the South African Consulate!

What does the Consulate do?

Brian Talboys has defined the Consulate's job as being "limited to the development of economic, cultural, commercial and scientific relations.... New Zealand does not, for example, use the Consulate-general as a channel for communicating with the South African government on political matters." So the government itself admits that the Consulate is not here to do anything else but strengthen New Zealand's ties with South Africa. This is precisely what it has been doing ever since it opened in 1962.

Schools and libraries are filled with expensive material justifying apartheid, and hundreds of meetings have been addressed by the Consul. Attempts to turn NZ's attention away from South Africa onto other African states are helped by the fact that we have no representative from any other country south of the Sahara residing in this country.

By pushing the doctrine of "separate development" the SA Consulate is undermining race relations in NZ. Statements made by Lindhorst in papers like the "Dominion" attacking Western "Liberalism" echo similar statements made by extreme rightists in both the National and Labour parties and by people like Burnside, ex Commisioner of Police. The Consulate's propaganda campaign is assisting the drive towards facism in NZ. It's High Time they were Chucked Out!