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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 12. May 29 1978

Path the Course to the Future

Path the Course to the Future

Where sf will go in the future is up to those participating in the field: the writers, publishers, active fen, editors and all the readers. Heroic books of the Conan type sell well which indicates a liking for the hero and a dislike of the 'downer' style. Those writers with a wide range of entertaining writing have never disappeared off our shelves: Asimov, Heinlein, Harrison, Brunner, Farmer, Niven, Vonnegut, Bester, Sturgeon, and as long as they keep writing then they will stay on for longer and also produce a need for more room for sf. They will never force other writers off the shelf unless they are particularly bad. So give sf more room.

Bruce Ferguson