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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 41 No. 8. April 17 1978

The Candidates..

page 2

The Candidates...


Lindy Cassidy

I am standing for re-election as president because I want to continue working for students. Many people berate students for being apathetic but why are they not involved? Most students are here to get a degree so that they can get a decent job when they leave university.

With the worsening economic situation and the increased academic workloads, students think twice about anything that involves their time. This adversely affects the social, cultural, political and sporting life of the campus. I think it is vital that the students association helps reverse this trend.

Last year and this year I have been active in organising campaigns to reduce workloads and to review the present level of bursary allowances. I have also been active in organising social activities which I see as a vital part of university life. In particular I was one of the controllers of this year's successful orientation. Last year I helped lead activity against the SIS legislation and the repressive legislation on contraception, sterilisation and abortion.

If re-elected I will be able to build on the administrative, social and political experience I gained last year to work more effectively for students.

Photo of Lindy Cassidy

Allan Littlejohn

One of the most often asked questions I encounter is "Are you serious?" When answered "Yes", the invariable reply is "But you are not a 'Trot', 'Maoist' or 'Marxist'!"

Why? For how long will Student Politics be synonymous with such Leftist creeds?

For about five more days!!

My name is Allan Littlejohn; people call me "Littlejohn": that is the people who talk to me.

I want You to talk to me, You to tell me what you think on these three topics.

i/Student Welfare
ii/Executive responsibility to Students
iii/Overseas Students

Do you have anything that you want to say? Anything that you would like to see done?; then talk to me!!!

And what do I think? Well, there are four points that I consider important, these being, the rights of the Individual, the alienation of the majority of students from our Executive, the encouragement of active participation of all students in the making, keeping and changing of all this associations policies and finally, the reiteration of the Executive's responsibility towards the individual student.

On 19/20 April help me give the old guard a well deserved rest and put a Student voice back into the Student Vocal Body!!

Photo of Allan Littlejohn

Cultural Affairs Officer

Steve O'Connor

Having been Cultural Affairs Officer since the end of last year I have decided to restand for this position.

In Club administration I organised one of the biggest AGM's of the Council; 33 out of 36 Clubs were represented. I wish to continue the good relationships built up, continuing the solid administrative work; building up a resources file with the aim of making it available to interested people, coordinating this Campus with other groups.

As a liaison between Victoria Arts Council and other Campuses I have attended a training seminar; meeting C.A.O.'s from other Universities gaining valuable knowledge, relevant to Cultural Affairs at Victoria.

As an Exec. member and as a member of the Catering Sub-Committee, I will continue being concerned with Student Welfare now and for the future.

If you want an effective link between students and the Association, vote for me.

Photo of Steve O'Connor

Peta Siuiepa

Campus life is a real bore!!!—especially if one is not affiliated to any particular cultural group or club! Even so, being affiliated to a club does not necessarily alleviate the boredom, especially when:-
1)Clubs have no incentives to do anything constructive for the benefit of their members.
2)There is minimal communication among clubs.
3)There is a general feeling of apathy amongst students about getting involved.
4)Clubs do not have adequate funds to finance their activities.

There is a definite need to improve relations among clubs and between clubs and the administration.

Therefore I propose to encourage the efforts of clubs by not only providing the necessary facilities for activities, but also to encourage activities through assisted finance. I would also like to encourage and promote the activities of the various cultural/ethnic groups.

I feel that I am best suited to the position of cultural affairs officer because I am affiliated to several cultural clubs on campus and would know where the needs and interests of students lie. And because of this coupled with my own multi-cultural experiences I feel that I would be a valuable liaison between clubs and the administration.

Photo of Peta Siuiepa


John Hebenton

Hello, I'm John Hebenton and I am standing for secretary. Impressed? Oh! Never mind. The purpose for this spiel is to inform you. "The Student" of why I wish to be Secretary, and what as a candidate I hope to do as Secretary.

Last year I stood for Man's Vice-president on the Thorndon Anarchy League ticket, and aahh..... lost. Not to be discouraged we returned triumphantly, and I was elected interim Secretary. All was fine until suddenly, with no warning, T.A.L. dissolved into a blob of total anarchy. I was left alone, no party, no philosophy, no leader. For 6 days I beat my chest and pulled my hair, totally and utterly besot in grief. On the seventh day I rested, and on the eighth I took up my position as secretary. Shaking off the ice in which I had submerged my head in a moment of stupidity, I grappled with the problem that I really had no idea what my job as secretary involved. To solve this lack I put nose to work and learnt the ways and means of being secretary, Your Secretary. I now would like you "The Student" to allow me the honour and privilege to be secretary for the rest of the year.

If you have any questions come and see me, come to the election forum, go to any polling booth and read part two.

Photo of John Hebenton


Polling on Wednesday and Thursday

Polling booths in the Library and Cafe foyers

page 3

SRC Coordinator

Jenny Greig

The invitation to candidates for the position of SRC Coordinator to submit their election manifesto left me a little baffled. What Manifesto???

I considered plagiarising the major political parties but abandoned that after page one .... too boring.

Essentially the coordinating position does not call for a hard line but rather an ability to draw things together and report back. This I believe I could do extremely well, because of my natural curiosity and a real desire to know what the hell is going on. . . Reporting back? That's no sweat. I've never kept a secret yet.

I can assure my voters that they will be well represented. On this campus there are some workers, I am not one of them, but I'm bossy enough to oversee those you have already elected. A vote for Jenny Greig is a vote for honest SRC .... or is that too pretentious???

Photo of Jenny Greig

David Sommerville

How are you? I am well.

Well, down to the manifesto. I know I will be a fine S.R.C. Coordinator because I have done bugger-all for the students of Vic so far this year and am planning on doing less in the coming months. I saw this post as being ideal as it would provide me with $300 a year, also as the elections are very late I would not be working long.

I have always admired the politics of the Right Honourable R.D. Muldoon, and will be attempting to emulate his policy stands in respect to the students of Victoria University. At this moment I can't think of any, but I am sure he has some.

Well, that's about it so you see why I am the best person for the job. I will be looking forward to collecting my $300 this year.

Photo of David Sommerville

Andrew Swann

SRC Coordinator; that's a bit of a mouthful to say, yet an impressive enough title to excite me into running for the honour of being that person. Possessing a sound sound mind and good all-round athletic ability I feel that I'm not too physically defective for the role.

However, getting into the guts of this semi-stylistic prose, I see the SRC Coordinator's position as dual-purposed. Firstly, someone has to be delegated the responsibility of running around admonishing the naughty little SRC Reps who fail to attend their meetings.

More importantly, to encourage students to come and participate in SRC, thereby developing policies representative of the general thinking of the majority of the blank-minded mass. (What does "blank" mean? A tricky question dummies. Go to SRC and find out.)

Incidentally, I have no political affiliations and am not a Pom or a subversive.

Photo of Andrew Swann

Simon Wright

You have no doubt seen my name and ravishing photo by now, standing for the position of SRC coordinator. Those of you who are even slightly involved in student politics are no doubt asking, when does this guy speak at SRC? What is his stand? Why does he want to get involved and who is this guy anyway?

Well, I very seldom speak at SRC's unless I'm really annoyed. My stand is not a politically aligned one; it is just this - "give students a fair go. Support Studass policy". I want to get involved because I believe that with a dedicated team of people as the exec, VUWSA has a better chance of implementing its policy and making itself heard.

I want to be thought of on voting day as someone who will do his job, not get side-tracked on some half-assed pseudo-political ego-trip. I am a humble 2nd year student who was disgusted with the results of last year's elections—namely this year's elections. These elections should not happen if people who were willing to do a good job had stood last year. I am willing to have a damn good try at making students heard where it counts—at meetings such as the library committee. Support someone who cares for You.

Photo of Simon Wright

Sports Officer

Richard Broad

This university is more than just a place to pick up a degree and I feel it is the responsibility of the Student's Union to provide more for the students in the way of social amenities and general welfare services. I make no promises of great change or revolution but I assure you that I I will do my job with integrity, sincerity and honesty, with the students' well-being, not my own, as the basis of my actions.

Eventually I would like to see the student representative system evolve so that the students do not feel so alienated, suspicious and discontent with the system. The position of Sports Officer is one which holds great potential in getting students involved with the university and providing social events. I intend to use this potential to give the students a better informal relationship with the university.

I follow no political ideology and therefore will not have pre-conceived ideas on matters. I will evaluate each item on its merits keeping in mind fairness and the welfare of the students in general.

Photo of Richard Broad

Andrew Mcnicol

I stand to represent all sportsmen and women of this University and to make sure your grievances and wants are heard on the Students Association over and above the deluge of political crap which appears to inundate the place.

The duty of Sports Officer is to work with the Sports Council for the good of the Sports players, the position is not to be used as a stepping stone for political empire building. It is imperative for this reason that a bonafide sportsman with the interests of sport ahead of political ambition is elected to the position.

I represented Victoria at the Varsities Easter Tournament. I am a member of the Nth Wellington Lawn Tennis Association and I wish to become the Sports Council's voice on the Students Association, not the Students Association stooge on the Sports Council.

Finally I stand for healthy youn New Zealanders through involvement in Sport not through waving protest banners on street corners.

It is in your interest as a sportsplayer to have a Sports Officer interested in you..

Photo of Andrew Mcnicol

Phillip Sowman

I'm in my 4th year at Victoria, I have drifted through 3 yrs of University like so many students leaving organisation to someone else. I now feel able to contribute something to the student body. I have a background in sport organisation and am presently enrolled in a Ma (Applied) Recreation Administration, a degree which will give me the professional background to take a positive approach to the position of Sports Officer.

I will be able to combine the position of Sports Officer with that required for the the practical side of my course and so will be able to devote more time to the position. As I will be required to present a report to the Recreation Dept. I would feel this could be a useful help for any future Sports Officer or what the Sports Officer's job entails.

  • Increase Participation/ opportunity for Recreation Participation
  • Develop new clubs where there is a need.
  • Coordination of diff Sports Clubs.
  • Efficient organisation of Sports and Recreation Affair
  • Increase student awareness of Sports & Recreation available
  • Utilisation of facilities ie. in the new extensions to the Recreation Centre.
  • Attempt to have monies allotted to Sport and Recreation activities increased.
  • Help students to develop a balance between Study and Recreation.

Photo of Phillip Sowman