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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978

Yet even More Aardvarks

Yet even More Aardvarks

Dear Sir,

Let's face it, everyone loves to cuddle up to something nice and furry of an evening, especially now that it's starting to get a bit Chilly, or even Cold.

And what could be better than an aardvark!!! Not much I'm sure you'll agree. With that lovely 8-inch tongue the aardvark is rapidly becoming a firm favourite with satisfied affaciondos the world over (but more where there are aardvarks in abundance). Admittedly, aardvarks are not for everyone but we all know that this sort of pervert will always be with us.

This letter is to offer encouragement to those lucky people with access to an aardvark, keep up the good work and enjoy yourself, and also to give notification that representatives of our society will be soon setting up branches of our society on as many Varsity campuses as possible. Our aim is to sponsor friendly relations between people and aardvarks, and to break down any sexual taboos that exist between aardvarks and those more sexually uptight of our race.

Arnold Zyphillus

(DSO and Bar, DFC)