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Salient. Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 5. March 27 1978

Training Notes

Training Notes

Body weight. . . weigh what you weighed in your twenties!

Most Europeans tend to put weight on after the age of 25, if they have kept their weight steady till then. This, apart from being aesthetically undesirable, is also a health liability. There are no simple height/weight tables which can indicate with certainty if a person's weight is normal or if he/she is over or under weight. A person may be heavy without excess fat whilst a light person may be obese.

A good rule of thumb is that a person's weight should not increase after his/her twenties. Since muscular tissue declines in most of us, a loss of a few pounds is actually good proof that there is no increase in fatly tissue.

Drawing of a house