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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 41 No. 1. February 27 1978

O Lucky Man

O Lucky Man

Mick Travis (Malcolm McDowell) begins in the film as a coffee salesman who gets posted up and down Britain and who encourages all sorts of wonderful and weird things on the way .

This black comedy directed by Lindsay Anderson and written by McDowell turns out to be magnificent satire on British Capitalism. Anderson says. "We can no longer afford the luxury of laissez-faire, and if we try, we are going to find that it is the most pernicious elements that come out on top."

The film is very much like Kubrick's A Clock work Orange with many deliberate parallels although this film is much better, more entertaining and more politically effective.

The songs of Alan Price and his group provide punctuation and a kind of commentary throughout.