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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 19. August 1 1977

Vorster couldn't have written better

Vorster couldn't have written better

Dear Sir,

Having fought back the pangs of nausea I read Salient for about the third time. I see your favourite topic South Africa was once again a feature story. I was impressed, you have now reached the ridiculously high figure of 5% fact and 95% fiction. You really are being too fair on us.

The red element work a 24 hr day on this garbage disposer unit.

Of course being a South African, the beat nationality in this useless world, I am brainwashed, hate niggers, own a slave garrison, run a rolls royce and kill without a pang of remorse.

It comes so naturally to us South Africans. Of course I forgot our fantasticly high standard of living you are so determined to smash.

The dreaded word fascism can also be tied to page break my label. We South Africans along with Rhodesian add Israelis have one great asset, unity.

Our only chance of survival it to stick together and destroy the communist stressors. We do not have groups of jobless bums like Hart and Care, who ate a disagrace to any proud nation.

Majority rule to us means throwing away all we have built up over generations. Reprisals would follow, killing and rape, and no one is prepared to accept that without a fight.

I am sorry we cannot please your high ideals of world peace. Are we to suffer for your peace of mind? We are not the white pawns on a chess set.

It is like a game of risk But only a fool would play. High risks for losses. What person in his right mind would take this type of gamble.

Only people who live thousands of miles away and they are trash anyway.

Lonely South African.

PS. Rob Muldoon is the greatest!

Drawing of someone dreaming of ants