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Salient. Official Newspaper of the Victoria University of Wellington Students Assn. Volume 40, No. 16. July 11 1977

Fitness Analysis Week 1977

Fitness Analysis Week 1977

Monday July 18th sees the beginning of the third Fitness Analysis week, and before you turn to another part of Salient in morbid fear o of finding out what you might regard as the worst news that you knew already, let me dispel the bogey of 'Fitness Analysis'.

For the past three years the Gym have given students the opportunity to obtain a profile of their own physical state with particular reference to the system in the body which has to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life, today, tomorrow and every other day for another 60, 70, 90 yean. The Heart-Lung/Cardio-Vascular/Cardio-Respiratory system. The bit that leaves you gasping as you race for the bus clamber aboard and on your hands and knees, weakly request "2 sections please".

Another major area of concern is the incidence of coronary heart disease; and again for the older students about to embark on an exercise or activity programme then an "All systems go" check up is available using our EGG facility.

Cartoon of a Tennis player

The profile which you will obtain will be quick and easy to do. You will not be required to exert yourself to exhaustion (we made that mistake two years ago) and you will have the opportunity to discuss your profile with members of the Gym staff even to the extent of doing something about it!