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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 13. June 5 1977

Rape Crisis Centre — Opening May 30

Rape Crisis Centre

Opening May 30

Our aims are to—
(a)provide support to rape victims
(b)to compile and make available data [unclear: on] rape.
(c)to educate the public to the [unclear: imp!] of rape with the intention of [unclear: red] the incidence of this crime.

Phone contact will be available [unclear: 7.00] Mon to Thurs. and 7.00—11.00 Friday.

Volunteers are able to provide on-going support to back up telephone contact.

Phone 898.288, PO Box 3871, [unclear: Wg]

Letters must be short, double spaced on one side of the page, witty, concise, readable, and contain a ten-dollar postal note as well as a photo of the author and three referees. Letters can be put in the Salient letterbox, inside our door, put in the basket down at the Studass Office or left in the third cubicle, Ground Floor toilets. It you feet like splashing out with an eight cent stamp send to The Editor, Sallient, Victoria University of Wellington Student's Association, Private Bag, Wellington.

Salient attempts to print all letters except those which transgress the laws on defamation, sexism and race relations. Letters should be confined to 500 words or else they unit be mutilated by our ruthless and incompetent sub editors.