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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Dear Editor,

For the past few weeks, criticisms on "hawker sketch" have reached a crescendo which is of no surprise, because Malaysians overseas are awakening and closely linking themselves with people at home.

As an observer, I found it a very healthy sign that Malaysians are fully using Salient columns, expressing and exchanging their views so as to explore new ideas to make ourselves and betterment of mankind, I think MSA should face the objective reality to answer factually and sensibly by the sporadic discontent and furious reactions on the "hawker sketch" felt by most Malaysians. It's a coward's tactic to turn oneself away from a "steaming up" controversial topic and furth-more by isolating yourself in the nutshell would not stop majority of the Malaysians pouring in more criticisms.

Finally I urge all Malaysians to be educated by getting to know ourselves, to be equipped with knowledge and understanding of our immediate concern and to identify ourselves with the people we are responsible to. Social awareness and a critical re-appraisal of the social economic situation back home becomes a paramount concern for us.

Mee Hoon.