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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

President replies

President replies.

Dear David,

I was very gratified to learn from "Sick of Marxists" that the president's honorarium is $3,000 and that the treasurer manages to rake in $1,000. The real facts are, however, that the President's honorarium is $2,000, the treasurer's, $600, the Secretary's $450 and the rest of the Executive receives the princely sum of $300.

What happened at the AGM was that the meeting passed a motion changing the President's honorarium to $3,000, the treasurer's honorarium to $1,000 and the secretary's to $500.

We hardly had to scream down the opposition as no-one spoke against the motion. It was then suggested that the Publications. Sports and Cultural Affairs Officers also receive in increase of $150.

This motion was subsequently referred to the SGM (not by a member of the Executive.) for greater discussion. It was also decided to rescind the previous motion concerning the President, Treasurer and Secretary's honorarium and refer it to the SGM for the same reason. To say that the Executive "cunningly" decided to refer this matter to an SGM is inaccurate.

"Sick of Marxists" also noted that during the first 5 years of the Student Association the President and Treasurer received small token payments. This is, accurate. However the President was not expected to be full-time — she/he could work part-time, could study part-time, and be president part-time.

Now the situation is completely different. With the financial, social and political activities of the association expanding rapidly, the President. Treasurer and Secretary's responsibilities are also increasing. Hence the need for a full-time president.

As for the honorarium for the rest of the Executive, my personal opinion is that if they work hard then payment is only a token gesture and if they don't work at all then it's a waste of money.

On one point I will agree with "Sick of Marxists" — it is important that you come and vote on these motions. You are paying — come and get your money's worth.

The SGM is to be held on Wednesday April 20 from 12-2 in the Union Hall. Dress is informal

Lindy Cassidy,

President VUWSA.