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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

"World view of the ruling class" less nauseous than Salient's distortions

"World view of the ruling class" less nauseous than Salient's distortions.

Dear Sir,

I am a graduate of Victoria University and occasionally read Salient to clue up on political trends on campus.

The April 4 issue of Salient caused me great concern. On page four there was an article titled 'Press in Chains" based on a feature published by The Dominion where, incidentally. I am currently working as an subeditor.

The author of your article, Robert Collins, pointed out that Independent Newspapers Ltd owns the 'free press' of Wellington with the exception of Salient and the Karori News. Collins also correctly pointed out that privately controlled papers such as The Dominion generally perpetuate the world view of the ruling class even without state censorship.

However, the implication was that Salient and the Karon News are unfettered by partisan considerations. How wrong!

After reading the unashamedly bigoted article on the Socialist Action League campaign in Mangere and about the letter fraudulently published under the name of Patrick Mulrennan of Young Socialists, in addition to previous

anti-Tortskyite smears in earlier issues, it appears that Salient too is committed to subbing democracy in the back.

I consider it an unenjoyable compromise of ray own political ideals to work for INL. But as far as selective distortion is concerned, the recent Salient material is far more nauseating and far less excusable than the Dominion's.

Yours sincerely,

Oliver Robb.

P.S. I am a member of neither YS or SAL.