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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Thoughts from Rankine-Brown

Thoughts from Rankine-Brown

Dear Sir,

As a first year student I have been deeply disturbed by a certain Fascist facet of the library. Every time you leave the place you're subjected to a degrading check by a border guard. (I see all the librarians "get a turn" at it, and are often to be seen grinning about their power.) What of the poor, forgetful student who leaves his "identification card" (another Fascist invention) at home, but has to take a book out for the night? What can he do? And from the long line that had to go through the border inspection during the recent bomb scare, it's obvious that the fanatical librarians are more concerned to stop one unissued book getting out than to stop a crowd of students getting blown to bits.

After careful research. I have drawn up five courses of action, which, if followed closely by the student body will lead to the end of these Fascist checks. They are as follows:
1.Lower books out of windows by rope.
2.Flush pages down the toilets, collecting them from the sewer outside.
3.Smuggle carrier pigeons into the library in large coats, and thus have pages sent out one by one.
4.Attach books to small parachutes to get them down.
5.Train giraffes and/or elephants to collect books from the windows.

Clearly, as these measures are carried out over the next few weeks, the frustration they cause to library staff will ensure the return of democracy to the library exit.

— Bloe Joggs.