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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Salient Pro-National?

Salient Pro-National?

Dear David,

Sue Cairncy's nonsense article about Tizard's speech is yet another example of Salient's peculiar political stance — pro-Communist, pro-National, and anti-Labour. It's clear from the article that Sue didn't even go to hear Tizard — she probably wrote it before he came. No one would claim that his speech was "adequate", but he did show a reasonable grasp of the economic situation. Contrary to Cairney's preposterous lies, Tizard supported moves for increases to the S.T.B. He outlined specific differences in the major parties' housing policies and achievements, and (again contrary to Sue) considered it a problem affecting students. Also, had she gone to hear Tizard, Sue would have heard him spell out a lot of Labour's new policies on the economy involving taxation.

Yours faithfully,

Fed Up.