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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

[Untitled Poem]

I always get embarrassed eating grapes walking down Glasgow Tee
In case my Marxist friends should see me
If they did — I'd run and hide in Rawhiti Tee
Having lived there for three years
Writing a book of amazing intensity and political significance
I'd run screaming down Glasgow Tce

Only to see my Marxist friends eating grapes
Not having slept for three years
I take my flatmate whom I've never met
And sleep with her in Karehana Bay
In my sister's spare room

Walking we'd eat grapes and oysters
Walking arm in arm with Jungle Jim
We'd walk to Varsity watch a film
And walk back to Rawhiti Tee

We always go to Sasrac and SRC
I got some Bourbon forget the tea
Back home we'd sink the piss
Think of study but give it a miss

Political and social thought
Never has a teacher taught
They teach you facts
Which are like craps
And ask you to study maps

But I must say I enjoy the Gym
I often go with Jungle Jim
Who's always been a mate of mine
Has a preference for whisky — hates wine