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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Aubergine, Zuchinni, Tomato Sauce Casserole, "A Beaut"

Aubergine, Zuchinni, Tomato Sauce Casserole, "A Beaut"

  • 1 Aubergine 1 diced onion.
  • 2-4 medium sized zuchinni
  • 2-4 medium sized green peppers
  • 2 cups Tomato Sauce (see below) *
  • Crated cheese oil for frying
  • garlic Black Pepper.

Prepare Aubergine as above. Then make Sauce: Lightly fry onion and green pepper (sliced into strips) with onion (sliced into strips) until onion is soft. Mix two tablespoons of tomato puree with 1 cup of water and add to onion and pepper.

Add crushed garlic and black pepper.

Slice Zuchinni into large chunks and add also.

Rinse Aubergines; in a separate fry pan lightly fry in oil. Place Aubergines in well buttered casserole dish. Top with tomato sauce mixture, then a layer of grated cheese.

Bake 1 hour, covered 350 degrees, Gas 6.

Serve hot or cold.

— Helen Corrigan.