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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Professorial Board Committee on the Admission of Overseas Students'

Professorial Board Committee on the Admission of Overseas Students'

This committee was established in November 1976. At its first meeting the committee decided to invite members of the university, as individuals or in groups, to offer comment and recommendations on the range of matters included in the scope of its enquiry. All submissions will be treated as confidential by the committee. They should be sent to the Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the Robert Stout building, No Later than April 29.

The matters on which comment is invited are: —
1.The basis and Formulation of government policy on the admission of overseas students (i.e. its purpose within New Zealand's external and objectives; the countries from which sponsored and private students are admitted; the processes of consultation by which government policy is modified and the role of the universities therein; changes which this university should consider supporting; etc.)
2.The basis of, and procedures for, selection of individual students by OSAC (i.e. the academic standards set; the English language proficiency requirement; administrative procedures for selection; etc.)
3.The policy and procedures of this university in:—
(a)determining the overall percentage of overseas students admitted to this university and the balance within it of undergraduate and graduate students.
(b)deciding quotas for admission of first-year undergraduates through OSAC.
(c)admitting individual students with credit towards a first degree or as graduates.
(d)approving individual courses and transfers from one course to another, after arrival.
(e)recording statistical information on the academic performance of overseas students.
(f)appraising the overall academic progress of individual students and in dealing with sponsors, immigration authorities and others on academic questions.
4.The administration of government policy Concerning entry permits, renewals etc. (i.e. the adequacy of information made available to students in New Zealand and at overseas posts; the nature and timing of official communications to students; the arrangements for consideration of individual cases, etc.)
5.The welfare of overseas Students within this university (i.e. academic and other counselling arrangements; the needs and circumstances of sponsored and private students — special tuition, accommodation, etc.)

Interested students are urged to present submissions. Before presenting them, see Gyles Beckford (student rep on committee) through the Studass office.