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Salient. Official Newspaper of Victoria University of Wellington Students Association. Vol 40 No. 8. April 18 1977

Socialism Betrayed

Socialism Betrayed

Tirana (ATA) — The restoration of capitalism in the revisionist countries has brought, and is bringing catastrophic consequences to their economies. Chaos and constant decreases in agricultural and industrial production are amongst the characteristics of the greve and ever deepening [unclear: crisis] their economies are undergoing.

All the revisionist countries are suffering failures in agriculture, a fall m grain production, fruit and vegetables, livestock products, etc. Between 1971 and 1975, agriculture in the capitalist Soviet Union registered a 34 billion rouble deficit. Production failed to meet the plan by 68 million-tons in the area of grain alone. Potato production fell by 26% between 1975 and 1976. The revisionist Georgian newspaper "Zarya Vasto Vastoka," was compelled to admit that the "plan of agricultural production is in a catastrophic situation." The capitalist Soviet state can only ensure that two-fifths of the population's potato requirements will be met. This has led to a growth in black-market activities.

Nor is the situation any better in Czechoslovakia, East Germany or Bulgaria. Within a year, agricultural production in Czechoslovakia fell by 20% and in East Germany by 30%.

Under these conditions, the level of agricultural imports is increasing greatly. Russian, Polish, East German, Hungarian, Bulgarian and businessmen are constantly signing agreements with U.S., Canadian, Australian and other firms purchasing from them not only considerable quantities of wheat, but also meat, edible fats, etc. In 1976 alone, the Soviet Union brought 6 million tons of wheat from the U.S.A., and over the next five years it plans to import 5-8 million tons annually.

The Gierek clique in Poland imported 7 million tons of grain, 700,000 tons of meat and 30,000 tons of edible fats from the U.S.A. within a year.

Naturally, it is the broad working masses who suffer the consequences of the restoration of capitalism and who are forced to pay more for their bread, meat, edible oils, various manufactured and farm products, and so on. They also have to pay the bill for the big deficits and debts which the regimes in power owe to the Western countries.

This anti-popular and reactionary policy, the policy of oppressing and unscrupulously exploiting the working people, has further aggravated class conflict and provoked the indignation and protest of the working people against the revisionist regimes in power.