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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue Number 11. 31 May 1976

Odds and Ends

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Odds and Ends

Law Students: Abolish Terms Requirements

Cartoon of a man speaking from a lecturn pointing both fingers

Last year the law faculty abolished in-term-assessment, so now your final grade depends entirely on the final exam. However, you still have to pass opinions and tests plus attend "compulsory" tutorials, in order to be granted "Terms". Terms should be abolished because:
1)The present system places a double burden of assessment on students. They have to complete satisfactory term work plus pass finals. Thus the abolition of in-term-assessment has not reduced workloads.
2)Students gain no positive benefit from Terms work being compulsory. It is used only as a threat - ie if you don't do it you may not be permitted to sit finals.
3)Students undoubtedly learn by researching and writing opinions - but they need not be compelled to learn. Opinions and tests ought to be "offered", not demanded.

For these reasons, if a grade is to be determined by a 100pc final exam, there ought to be no additional assessment burden in the form of compulsory work. If there is to be a compulsory terms requirement, term work should count to boost the student's final grade. This is the position in other departments at Vic.

Terms requirements have one valid function: in a course assessed by a final exam, the examiner may need some basis to consider aegrotat pass applications. This is a problem to be discussed, but not important enough by itself to justify a whole system of terms requirements. It can be solved some other way.

In the year of "Speak-Up on Assessment" we do not have to tolerate double assessment. Law Lectures will soon be canvassed, to find student opinions. So in the meantime, think about Abolishing Terms.

Inserted by John McBride.

May Council

Women's issues, nuclear ships visiting New Zealand, and recycling prevented the national commissions from being dull.

National commissions in the past have tended to pick up all those policy motions that are not included in the more prestigious International Commission, or the Education, Welfare and Accomodation Commissions which are directly concerned with student welfare.

Women's issues took the form of a surprise move to form a women's Caucus comprising all of the women delegates who were attending May Council. It was finally resolved to hold a women's commission at August Council, to discuss women's issues specifically.

Nuclear ships visiting New Zealand was also a lively topic. With the now probably visit of nuclear ships, NZUSA has resolved via council to action their policy in this area and by the time that this report has gone to press this will have already started.

Kissinger's pending visit was also the centre of much debate, and it was finally resolved to express NZUSA's disapproval of Kissingers/United States foreign policy. Victoria however, suggested stronger action in this area.

Environmental issues had a champion from the deep south, in the form of a dramatic display of beer cans and cartons being propelled all over the National Commission's room, in an attempt (successful) to highlight the problems of recycling that we have in New Zealand.

In conclusion, a valuable council, but as far as National was concerned to little time for discussing in depth issues on which there was disagreement, which resulted in the remaining issues (mainly environmental) being hurriedly dealt with.i.

- Kevin Swann

'Gym' Cassidy and the Dance-Room Kid

Further adventures of our intrepid duo in the Free Time of Victoria University.

Gymdate 31576-5676..........

'Gym' and 'Dance-room' feeling that they are lacking in social graces particularly after their recent disastrous night at the 'Empress' ballroom try the Ballroom Dance classes (Monday 1 - 2, Thursday 5 - 6 in the Union, and Friday 1 - 2). Within a week, (this week actually) they hit the Rock and Roll scene (Wednesday 1 - 2) and what a scene; hips and feet flying from some of the fastest "round-the-clocking" on campus.

After their gymstorming efforts on the dance floor they relieve themselves (oops! sorry) with a relaxing game of Badminton only to find that as it was Tuesday afternoon 2-3 that they were in the middle of a Mixed Fitness Class; what a break, here was a fun way to get fit and there's another one on Thursday at 5pm .... Getting fit in a distinctly social setting.

Thwarted in their attempts at badminton they return to the scene of the activity on Thursday at 12noon; only to find that everyone is playing social basketball and "You've really got the chips stacked against you.....eh?" said 'Dance-room', "The ladies score double!!"

In desperation the dynamic duo stormed out of the Gym..." Damn these people!" screamed 'Gym", "all they want to do is enjoy themselves', and that dear readers is just what they were doing and from that moment onwards 'Gym' Cassidy and the 'Dance-room Kid' were sworn devotees of the cult of.................. "gym users".

Next week 'Gym' and 'Dance-room' try Ski classes, and 'Dance-room' tries his hand at Yoga (Tuesday at 12 noon Thursday at 1.00pm, and Friday at 9.00 am). Follow this space, or better still grab a space at the Gym while its still warm.....Lynda and Hugh still have plenty.