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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Underwood Flustered

Underwood Flustered

Steve Underwood came storming up to the microphone and declared that Wrights idea of keeping the original wage and including an accountant's job in the position was ridiculous, because the $2,000 was for the auditing, and they do bugger all accounting, and we can't audit our own books, so we can't save $2,000 that way, so there! I got the distinct impression he was in a bad mood. 'Does not suffer fools gladly', says the Handbook.

Student representative council meeting

After that, Angela Belich said that Canterbury Student's Association, who have an accountant, own their Union and probably needed one, but we don't own ours, so we don't need one. Then she reiterated what everyone else who opposed the report had said, finishing with that fine socialist phrase, "...stab in the back of the workers."

Peter Aagaard had his parting shot, and dismissed all opposing arguments as crap. It wasn't a stab in the back of the workers at all - we just can't afford to go on paying more than the job is worth. He said that unless the matter was cleaned up there and then, the general running of the association would be going downhill. We've already been one worker short for a month A vote was taken, and the report was rejected but the arguing kept going. Officially, SRC can't bind the Executive financially, but if Exec overrules SRC's decision to keep the same wage as before, all hell is liable to break loose. Accusations of Exec ignoring SRC directives were already beginning to fly around the room as Gyles quickly moved the meeting on to the next bit of business.

The next bit of business happened to be a report from Tony Ward about how nothing interesting happened at the Professorial Board Meeting. He also informed us that the Universities information is held in a 1440 card sorter which can't be read by any computer in New Zealand or Australia. Hm!?

The next thing to come up was the election of an SRC coordinator. The two candidates were Tony Ward and a Mike McAleer. Tony said he wanted to keep working, in this position, in the best interests of students and also apologised for any mistakes he may have made in the past Mr McAleer said he wanted to get on to Exec to implement student decision. He accused the Executive of being a strong-arm group, and he wanted to see more students involved by improving communications.