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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Volume 39, Issue 4. March 22 [1976]

Salient Notes

Salient Notes

Type writer

Ryall's sitting in the editor's office popping the tops of beer bottles while the assorted staff of Salient performs their customary duties despite the evidence of a distinctly non-revolutionary attitude on the part of the editor in his refusal to share the ill-gotton proceeds of his writers' cheques.

Rachel Scott and Lindy Cassidy are turning in stalwart efforts on the lay out table, and reading while Bernard Randall whispers surreptitiously into the phone.

Among others taking time out to assist in the production of this venerable newspaper are Gyles Beckford, Mike Stephens and John Henderson who, after burbling inanely for two hours has removed his diseased carcase from the premises, muttering about dead parrots.

David Murray, now that Tony Ward has relinquished his position as reviews editor in order to get a D for his thesis instead of an E, came bursting into the room yelling, 'I've done it. I've done it!' This sent Rose Desmond, Judith Ting and Robert Lithgow diving for cover and David Tripe tripped John Blincoe up and sent Comrade Carson headlong into a freshly poured cup of tea.

David Murray consequently produced his first good photo from his back pocket, (much to the disgust of Lionel Klee and Chris Wilson who thought they had a monopoly on the camera clicking) and showed it to Lynn Peck who instantaniously split her sides with laughter. It was a photograph of Mike Stephens expertly laying out James Robb, Leigh Thomson. David Newton and Alison Bartlet on the front page, with Phillip Tree (with his fly undone), Derek Fikkers, Ann Elborn and Gary Henderson all trying to fly the highest in order to see what was going on

Not to be outdone Pat Bartle (sporting a revolutionary badge) grabbed them all (with the aid of Mike Freeman.

Pat 'rock' O Dea and Richard Bohmer) and fed them into her typesetter. The typesetter coughed (as did Leonie Morris, suffering light-table fatigue) and out came Mao Tse-tung, Big Lenny and some nutter called Z.K. Muggleton-Spoffin.

Before it was too late Gerard Van Bohemen saved the situation, by wrapping them up in his animicable style, sticking stamps on the wrapper, and trowing them at the Salient taxi(Pcnny Booth) to be delivered to the bleeding masses.

And so another Salient was on the street. Ryall still awaited the criticism of Advertising Manager Warwyck Dewe and the letters from the the many disappointed fans, plus Kevin Swann who reckoned he should have been at least 'mentioned in despatches'. But what the hell - back to the piss!!!

Salient Staff Meeting

Salient Staff Meeting at 8pm on Tuesday 23 March in the Salient Office Everyone Welcome Bring along your friends ....bring along your enemies bring along yourself.