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Salient. Victoria University Student' Newspaper. Vol. 38 No 24. September 25, 1975

Keep exposing

Keep exposing

Dear Sir,

It was very interesting to read about our money grabbing diplomats. Malaysians should write more often to expose these things.

Most of us would not like to stick our necks out as someone suggested last week. However, there are other ways of contributing to the betterment of our society. We can write and express our thoughts, contribute moral and financial support to those who are actively involved and risking their freedom for some ideal which they may never see succeed. In the long run all these count.

While we are in NZ we can read material not available at home. It is also very important to talk to NZ'ers who are prepared to listen about Malaysian politics. Most of them have only a vague, tourist impression of the situation there. If we can correct this view, we have achieved something. But first of all begin by educating yourself on the subject.

Another Disgusted Malaysian

Keep New Zealand Rolling.

Keep New Zealand Rolling.