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Salient. Victoria University Students' Newspaper. Vol. 38 No. 23. September 19, 1975

Combatting Revisionism

Combatting Revisionism

Most workers belong to Trade Unions, whose main function is to 'raise consciouness and fight revisionism.' Recently they have been organising Communist Voluntary Labour Days' once a month, where a day's work is given voluntarily, with 80% participation. The Union also helps with health and financial problems of workers and their families, and most importantly organises the fight against bureaucratic and elitist tendencies.

Remembering that 'revisionism' is something concrete, something that deprives workers of their power, the recently enacted constitution which gives workers the right to strike is a very important protection of their rights. We paid an unexpected visit to a Peking printing factory and were asked not to take photos of dozens of huge character posters hanging from the walls, because they were an internal matter of the factory, We were then told that the posters criticised the factory management for bureaucratic tendencies.