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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38 No. 22. September 11, 1975

The Drunk that Came Back — (3 Resurrected Drunkards)

The Drunk that Came Back

(3 Resurrected Drunkards)

Directed by Nagisa Oshima. 1968. 80 minutes. 'A'

Oshima, the central figure in the new wave' of Japanese film-makers, was introduced to local filmgoers when the Film Society showed his bold 'Diary of a Shinjuku Thief. This memorable film focusses on three students at the seaside whose clothes are stolen by three mysterious Koreans on the run from the police. When the students get new clothes, the Koreans steal them again. Gradually the students are forced to become outlaws, aliens. Koreans themselves.