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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38 No. 22. September 11, 1975

Police Victim tells his story

Police Victim tells his story

I, Tangi Mausia, do make an oath and solemnly swear that these things happen to me on the night of 20 August round about ten o'clock or quarter to ten at 192 Main Highway Ellerslie when someone knocked at the door.

Entering inside were three Policemen and one Labour Department's official. They asked for our passports. I told them that Lyn and Tuione Fair had my passport at the Southern Tours Travel. I was scared. One Policeman and a dog broke in from the backdoor which was closed. The dog rushed in and nearly bite me.

Sione Mounga asked them on what ground make them get inside the house without permission. They seemed to retreat but came back telling that if I run away the dog will definitely bite me. To my amazement I was freezing with fear. I did not expect policemen in more civilised country like New Zealand acted so brutal as this. I was told to get into the van. They took me and put me in prison.

This statement was made by Tangi Mausia.

(Note: Literal translation of statement made by Mr Mausia — one of those picked up He is a 59 year old man.)