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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 21. September 4 1975

Pathetic Policy

Pathetic Policy

Dear Sir,

Long have I been in pathetic disagreement of the pathetic left wing-policies of the top-dogs in Salient, but the attack on the policies of Stephen Hay and Co. to me was the last straw. You have not criticised the policies of any of the other election candidates - is this because they are not of a far-right nature, or maybe that they are all mates of yours. The policies of Stephen Hay and Co, are the best things to have been written in Salient this year especially the point about using trustee investments so that Studass makes better use of its income - something which it is not doing now - sorry I suppose it is capitalism to make interest rates off investments.

Yours sincerely.

G. Kelly.