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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 21. September 4 1975

Who pays?

Who pays?

You know who pays

The last time NZSAC discussed how to deal with the debt, it was suggested by some constituents that NZUSA stand the loss. After a while, it was pointed out that such a course would allow STANZ members to escape without paying a cent, and thus a large proportion of the debt was divided amongst all NZSAC constituents. However, NZUSA and university constituents are still carrying the heaviest financial burden for NZSAC, Do university constituents wish this situation to continue? By maintaining NZSAC in the form of a standing committee of NZUSA, NZUSA does at least have an advantage in the power of veto over NZSAC. Is this power worth having? It hasn't done either party much good so far.

Non-university constituents become irate at the mere idea that NZUSA can interfere with their' Arts Council, but lose no sleep over the thought that universities are supporting and massively subsidising this Arts Council. It would thus be very helpful if this situation were corrected, especially with the increasing number of joint campus councils.