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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 38, No. 12. June 4 1975

3—5—75 — Tun: Watch For Gun Runner


Tun: Watch For Gun Runner

Tun Abdul Razak is concerned that the fall of Indochina would result in millions of dollars' worth of the latests American weapons falling into the hands of the insurgents in South East Asia and other parts of the world. He indicated that he did not fear the new communist government in Saigon would channel arms captured from, or abandoned by the Americans to the terrorists in Malaysia. He was concerned that they would reach Malaysia from smugglers acting for profit. Tun Razak said that notwithstanding the debacle in Vietnam, he was still not a subscriber to the Domino Theory of successive Washington administrators — that if one country fell to a communist war of liberation, its neighbours would automatically be threatened.

(The Vietnamese people will definitely put their arms into good use. Razak is trying desperately to put up a brave face in front of the press.)