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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, No. 2. August 7, 1974

Mustapha the Mullah

Mustapha the Mullah

Dear Sir,

Last week 'True Malaysian' wrote that there were 50,000 people converted to the national religion. He did not point out that some of those converted were offered financial and titular rewards. If a person is converted of his own free will this is perfectly all right. But the Sabah Chief Minister has taken it upon himself the role of the equivalent of the Messiah, a latter day saint, to intimidate people to join his faith. Government officials find it very hard to get promoted if they do not change their faith last. Some use it as a step ladder to higher positions and titles. Such a wanker is the late Dato Stephens former chief minister and now something else. 'Late' meaning that he converted from a Catholic to a Muslim and was promoted to a heavenly post at the UN or some wishy washy place where he wasn't actually embarrassing the Muslim faith.

Pissed off Sabahan