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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

Bikes and the law

Bikes and the law

Dear Sir,

With regard to the article on page 5 of this week's Salient dealing with the towing away of motor bikes, I would suggest that your reporter Instead of making snide comments about what happened, should first have checked with the person responsible for ordering the tow firm to remove the bikes, as to the reason for the action. He should then have written his article with this reply in mind.

The bikes were parked in an area of the court yard between the Easterfield & Rankine Brown buildings, which is clearly labelled 'No Parking', and prevented a lorry bearing essential and heavy supplies for a university department getting into a suitable position for the unloading of these supplies, which due to parking problems elsewhere within the city area could not be delivered at another time.

I would also suggest that your reporter obtain further legal advice on the laws relating to parking and towing away of motor vehicles, bearing in mind the phrase, "due care and consideration".

E.R. Hollingsworth