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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol. 37, No. 19. July 31, 1974

Bum-numbing inactivity

Bum-numbing inactivity

Dear Salient,

What the hell is wrong with the 6000 students at this university. Haven't they got the guts to stir themselves from their apathetic bum-numbing inactivity to attend a meeting where decisions are made and mis-made concerning their welfare and my bloody pocket. I was not there because I had an economics class to attend but what was their excuse, that's what I want to know?

David C.

Artwork of a man writing in a book

Dear Salient,

I have been disturbed to notice of late the high standard of dress of students. In place of old jeans, sandals and salvation army secondhand jackets, I see suede boots, aywons and, horror of horrors vinyl imitation leather jackets. What means this portentious observation. Could this mean a loss of identity among students or that because there is a glut of art graduates on the job market at present all the would be art students are turning to commerce? As long as I can remember students have been known for their distinctive bohemian dress style which impresses both themselves and the general public. This gave an illusion of freedom which in turn inspired a sense of comraderie. Will we now lose this to clothes consciousness the type seen in any bank or insurance office downtown? I hope not, and hope there are many others who will join me in the campaign to keep students dirty but individual.
